Style: Abbey Dubbel
Tappist Beer
ABV: 7%
Widely Distributed
11.2oz Bottle Poured Into A Chimay Chalice
Chimay Brewery
Scourmont Abbey
Hainaut, Belgium
Created By Monks
Ingredients: Pilsner malt (French barley from Champagne); wheat starch or flour (10% - 15%); dextrose (5%); malt extract (0.1%); hop extract from German Hallertaur (aroma) & American Galena (bittering) hops. Yeast & liquid invert sugar added to the bottled beer.
Chimay Red is noted for its coppery colour which makes it particularly attractive. Topped with a creamy head, it gives off a light, fruity apricot aroma produced by the fermentation. The taste perceived in the mouth is a balance confirming the fruity nuances noticed in the fragrance. Its taste, which imparts a silky sensation to the tongue, is made refreshing by a light touch of bitterness. To the palate, the taster perceives a pleasant astringency which complements the flavour qualities of this beer very harmoniously. This top fermented Trappist beer, refermented in the bottle, is not pasteurised.
A Warm Rusty Red Color
Galaxies Of Small Bubbles
Voluminous Creamy Head
Reserved Head Retention
Offshore Film Of Lace Settled On The Glass
Blurred Clarity
Supple Carbonation Set To A Audible Fizz
A "Gusher" Beer- Beer In Sink With A Angry Sad Human Watching Said Beer Go Away
(Beware Do Not Lose This Masterpiece Of A Concoction)
Yellow Apples
Spice Aroma- Ginger Snap Cookies
Good Dose Of Some Tappist Funk
Abbaye De Scourmont's Distinctive Yeast
Green Bell Peppers
Mouth Feel:
Solid Structure With A Tight Acidity (Yogurty) Finish
Effortless Drinkability- No Sting In This To Slow You Down
Sweet/Bitter Balance- A Tranquil Balance Between The Two Opposites
Has A Gratifying Sessionable Feel
Multifarious Layered Ale
Naturally Fresh Palate
Light To Medium Bodied Ale- Thought The Body Would Have More Of A Condensed Feel
Bittersweet Aftertaste That Lingers On The Back Of Your Tongue
Diabolical Raw Texture
A Engagingly Inoffensive Beer
Low IBU Makes This Beer Ageable
Champagney No Chimayney
Similar to the nose, The taste confirms the fruity aromas with a singular blend of plums, apricot, and cherry. Quite malty with just enough hop bitterness to make the whole thing really refreshing. A sweet, dark bready malt taste provides for the base and a lot of the flavor. Mid sip to the finish some fruitiness comes out with raisin and plum being the strongest with it being on the lighter side of a dark fruit flavor. Some spice, cinnamon and clove, along with a hint of bubblegum also come out. Like the aroma, it reminded me of a sweet dark bread with some pieces of fruit in it. Good option to bring to dinner at a non craft beer person's house. Some macro beers are chicken nuggets and french fries to Chimay's lemon roast chicken and a bed of watercress. Chimay Blue is still the lead singer, but red is a good back-up vocalist.
3 Out Of 6
Want A Sixer, But Prefer Chimay Blue
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