Style: Lambic-Fruit
ABV: 3.5%
Part Of The Brewery's Fruit Beer Collection
11.3oz Cork And Bottle Poured Into A Lindemans Flute Glass
Lindemans Brewery
Belgian Family Brewery
Viezenbeek, Belgium
Frans Lindeman
Champagne Quality Color
Maize Color With Some Green Tint
Plush Etiolated Head
Once Poured The Head Collapses Quickly
Foggy Clarity
Some Fragmentary Lacing
Vast Carbonation
Synthetic Type Aroma
Granny Smith Apples
Sweet Tarts
Sour Apple Jolly Ranchers
White Grapes
Hint Of Dried Leaves
Mouth Feel:
Cider/Beer Hybrid
A Little Meaty
Medium Bodied
Sugary Sweet/High Tartness Balance
Cloying Sweet Mouth Feel- Willy Wonka's Wet Dream
Particularly Unsophisticated Generic Palate
Apple Cider Slam That Is Uninspiring
Insanely Refreshing In Small Doses
A Perfect Breakfast Beer
Not Really Sessionable, I Find This Beer To Be A Novelty Beer
Fountain Soda Quality Texture
Low Drinkability Due To The Fact That After One You Mouth Puckers, Like You Ate A Whole Bag Of Sour Patch Kids
A Long Thick Sourness Green Apple Finish That Lingers For A Few Minutes
Carbonated Apple Juice Aftertaste
Pretty Artificial And Not A Natural Quality
A very prominent taste of apples up front... no surprises there. The synthetic character is played down a bit in the taste, but it’s still there and the beer still tastes very much as apple candy. It’s reminiscent of sweet apple cider. It’s very sweet at first, then a slight sourness and some faint malty flavors take over for a little while. This is actually not a very pleasant part of the taste, since the faint malt flavor mixes badly with the overly sweet taste of apples. The finish is primarily sour, but also a bit tart and sweet. Again, the taste of sweet and sour soft apple candy appears. The sourness definitely adds to the brew and makes for a pleasant aspect of its overall profile. But after a while, it feels like I’ve eaten to much candy. I find this one to be better than Lindemans Framboise and is a decent introductory lambic, but it just isn't my preference when it comes to beer.
2 Out Of 6
Don't Want A Sixer
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