Style: Classic German Pilsener
ABV: 4.7%
Regular Rotation
12oz Bottle Poured Into A Peroni Pilsener Glass
The driest and most delicate of our lagers. Stoudt’s Pils is characteristic of the traditional European Pilseners. Straw-yellow and assertively hopped with Saaz hops, this frequent medal winner has a refreshing bitterness and refined hop aroma.
Stoudt's Brewing Company
Adamstown, Pennsylvania
Ed and Carol Stoudt
Dumb Blonde Color
"Sexy Looking Beer"
Massive Porous Head
1/4in. Head Retention Throughout
Crystal Clear Clarity
Sheet Lacing
Tornado Quality Carbonation
Noble Hops
Pilsner Malts
Corn On The Cobb
Stable Straw
Golden Crisp Cereal
Mouth Feel:
Easy Drink ability- A Good Session Pilsner
Smooth Mouth Feel
Medium Bodied
Well Balanced Beer
Straight Forward Full Palate, It Is No B.S.
Dry Hop Spice Finish
Refreshing Foe Sure
The taste is of light sweet malts that is quickly checked by a balance, but well footed hop bitterness. Nice flavor of malts and some vinegar in the middle. Herbal hop spice lingers on the finish. Nice bold peppery flavors on the palate, that fills you with glee on each sip. At first sip I wrote this beer off, but as I kept going and it warmed this beer intrigued me. The pilsner is a lot better than the massed produced shit out there
3 Out Of 6
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