Style: Imperial Stout
Active Beers
ABV: 11.8%
1 Pint 9.4 Fl Oz Cage And Cork Bottle Poured Into A Dogfish Head Snifter
This velvety concoction excites your senses with bottomless roasted, earthy and vinous notes.
Weyerbacher Brewing Company
Easton, Pennslyvania
Dan And Sue Weirback
The brewery is well-known for its "huge taste" beers. Most of their brews are high in alcohol, with QUAD clocking in at 11.8% alcohol by volume, and a one-off 10th anniversary ale called Decadence brewed to 13% alcohol by volume.
Three Fingered Head With Mocha Bubbles
Head Retention From Top To Bottom
Purple/Black Color
Sheet Lacing
Fizzy Carbonation
Black Hole Clarity
Aroma Is Alcohol
Sweet Belgian Chocolate
Roasted Cocoa
Port Wood Note
Light Smoke
Black Licorice
Mouth Feel:
Very Alcoholic Tone
Deliciously Warming
Dense And Chewy Drinkability
High Drinkabiliy- Easy To Kill a Bottle Even Though It's 11.8% ABV
Full And Velvety On The Tongue
Horrible Thirst Quenching Ability
Not Refreshing
"Desert Beer" Balance
One of the top stouts I have drank, it was a mellow stout for a 11.8% ABV. The flavor is a heavy malty and is definitely on the sweet side. The clean and creamy feel tingled along the sides of the mouth from first quaff to last. Leathers, dense fudged plum in the middle fits in and out. Chocolate notes finished this beer out underneath.
5 Out Of 6
Want A Sixer
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