Left Hand 400 Pound Monkey
Style: English Style IPA
ABV: 7%
Perennial Collection
A 12oz Bottle Poured Into A Dogfish Pint Glass
Okay, this one isn’t for everybody – yet. Over the years we’ve been asked to brew a year-round IPA, but have balked at the idea because of the flood of American IPAs currently on the market. If we couldn’t make an IPA that was different what was available, that we personally liked to drink, and one that we could put our personal signature on and be proud of, we didn’t want to do it. So, last fall we brewed a single batch IPA on our new brewhouse and sent it out to 5 different markets around the country to test the response. Which turned out to be pretty positive. So, here we are in 2009, and we’re back playing again with a few new test batches that we’re sampling here in Colorado and a few select markets around the country. What’s in a name, you ask? Well, back in February of 2007, there was an article in there titled ‘Extremely Boring’. Go back and find that issue, and that specific article, and you’ll see why we named the beer 400 Pound Monkey. Happy sleuthing!
Left Hand Brewing Company
Longmont, Colorado
Dick Doore
Eric Wallace
Blonde Color
Cloudy Clarity With Little "Floaties"
Minuscule Creamy White Head
Head Fades Into A Thin Crown Quickly
Slippery Lacing
Soft Carbonation
Sweet Hint Of Honey
Sour Butterscotch
Whole Wheat Bread
Biscuit Malts
Dry Hops
Mouth Feel:
Sweet Balance With A Slight Bitter Hop
Oily Palate
Refreshing And Quenching
Sharp And Bitter On The Tongue
Very Session able For A 7% ABV
Long Charred Aftertaste
Light Texture
The taste is slightly sweet upfront with a bit of fruitiness, but is quickly matched by a herbal peppery taste. If you like hop bombed IPA beers stay away from this one. This beer was very weak on the hop flavor. It was okay but had mediocre flavors for a IPA. Fans of assertive ESB beers would enjoy this than IPA fans would.
31/2 Out Of 6
Want A Sixer
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