Style: Abbey Tripel
ABV: 9.5 %
Part Of The N.J. Turnpike Exit Series
12oz Bottle Poured Into A Ne Belgium Tulip Glass
Flying Fish Brewing Co.
Small Craft Brewery
First Founded On Th World Wide Web
Cherry Hill, N.J.
Gene Muller
You are holding the inaugural release in a multi-year brewing experiment-to brew a series of beers as diverse as the great state of New Jersey. Our theme is the state-long artery that connects us. Each beer will focus on the unique aspect of an individual exit, whether an ingredient or event. The journey begins at Exit 4- right up the street from the Flying Fish brewery. As one of the first craft brewers to embrace Belgian-style beers, we’ve chosen to start with a Belgian triple, finished with plenty of American hops. Note the hazy golden hue and the aroma of citrus with hints of banana and clove. Then taste the Belgian malt flavors and a subdued bitterness in the finish. Bottle conditioned, this beer will develop as it ages. Enjoy.
Pleasant To The Eye
Glowing Marigold Color
A Soft White Cascading Head
Head Retention Thins Out But Last The Whole Ride Down
Dirty Clarity- Tiny Particles
Sporadic Spots Of Lacing
Laid Back Carbonation- Odd
Aroma Is A Little "Hefe"
Big Alcohol (Hairspray)
Fresh Cascade Hop (American)
Pesky Amarillo Hop Heavy
Crunchy Raw Grains
Pale Malts
Orange Juice
Sour Cream
Belgian Yeast
Crushed Flowers
Mouth Feel:
Well Concealed Alcohol
A Different Interpretation To The Style
Fuller Bodied Beer- A Nice Heft To The Beer
Sweet/Bitter Balance
Well Rounded Balance
Changes To An Agreeable Bitter Aftertaste As It Clears The Throat
Mouth Feel Is Of Bubbalicious Bubblegum
Belgian Yeast Quality Flavors On The Palate
Long Lingering Abrasive and Pithy Rindy Zest Bittersweet Finish
Blurring Drinkability- To Many Will Blur Things
Cab worthy Sessionability
More IPAish
Quite bright and citrusy with loads of light mint and lean pale malt. There was also a lot of soft American hoppiness over the well-developed pale malt leanness. I really quite enjoyed this. In the middle The taste is of sweet bubblegum/cotton candy, with growing honey as it progresses. It has a bready, spicy backing. An American citrusy hop taste, with mild bitterness finishes it off, along with noticeable, though not overpowering alcohol. A well done beer enjoy.....Cheers!
4 Out Of 6
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