American Pale Ale
ABV: 6.5%
12oz can poured into a lager glass
Oskar Blues Grill And Brew
Longmont, Colorado
Dick Dale Katechis
Murky Dark Gold Color
Nice Bubbly/Airy Two-Fingered Head
Head Retention Last Forever
Ring And Film Affair Lacing
Cloudy Clarity
Strong Grapefruit
Fine Citrus
Peach And Cream
Hint Of Pepper
Some Tea
Resinous Hop Aroma
Aggressive Carbonation
Light To Medium Body
Sour Balance
Creamy Texture
You Can Taste The Alcohol, But It Still Is Moderately Refreshing
Taste is a delicious mix of hops in the beginning, hops in the middle and hops on the end, mixed with some malts in between. The taste of this beer confused me, so I had to read the label twice. When I started to drink, I thought I was drinking a IPA cause it was a hop bomb. The beer was easy to drink and was very tasty, and I would recommend a try.
31/2 Out Of Six
Want A Sixer
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