Style: English Strong Ale
ABV: 8.3%
Winter Seasonal
12oz Bottle Poured Into A Dogfish Head Snifter
Our winter strong ale has a gorgeous mahogany hue, a hint of hazelnuts, and a finish reminiscent of mocha and toffee. No spices, just a perfect blend of five specialty malts. Cellarable for 2 years.
Avery Brewing Company
Boulder, Colorado
Adam Avery, President And Head Brewmaster
Crimson Hued Dark Chestnut Color
Dusty Tan Head
Sizable Head
Quick To Leave Head Retention
Thready Lacing
Dark Clarity
Visible Soft Carbonation
Brown Sugar
Walnut Liqueur
Burnt Cherry Jam
Figs And Dates
Pecan Praline
Mango Chutney
Very Complex And Layered Aroma
Mouth Feel:
Well Rounded
Heavy Bodied Beer
Slight Drinkability
Rich And Robust Palate
Winter Warmer With A Slight Resemblance To A Scotch Ale
Sweet But Complimented With Bitterness
Long Lasting Finish
Creamy Mouth Feel
The taste is somewhat bitter upfront and throughout actually, with hints of mocha flavors in and out. It has a malty smoothness to it but the hops dominate this beer. In the middle the hops become a whisper and now sticky resins oozing with rich forestry esters and a hit with cocoa delights underneath. Towards the finish you get a nice hint of nutty and dark fruits with spices on the tip of your tongue. The alcohol is high and is noticeable as it warms, but it is still drinkable. The beer can be aged, so I should have aged it and drank it next winter, then given a review. It looked so tasty and I have no will power, so I drank it now.
3 1/2 Out Of 6
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