Style: Abbey Tripel
Winter Seasonal
ABV: 10.3%
750mL Bottle Poured Into A Flying Fish Tulip Glass
A Tripel in the Abbot style, famed for its powers of seduction. Brewed with German Pils malt and imported Belgian Candi Sugar. Light in body, golden in color, dry and spicy. On tap only on the first Friday of each month and only at Phoenixville. Now available in 750 ml bottles.
Sly Fox Brewery
Phoenixville, Pennslyvania
Royersford, Pennsylvania
December 20, 1995
November 8, 2004
Fort Knox Golden Color
Three Fingered Porous Head
Chunky Frothy White Head
Head Retention Lasts For Days
Volcano Eruption Type Carbonation
Clear Clarity
Scattered Soapy Lacing
Beautiful Looking Beer
Bit Of Lime
Orange Zest
Cotton Candy
Granny Smith Apples
Light Belgian Sugar
Light Vino Scent
Butterscotch Notes
Milky Malt Notes
Lemon Taffy
Mouth Feel:
Tart And Malty
Mouth Feel Is Playful And Has A Creamy Backwoods Goodness
Full Bodied That Is Solid And Lively
Fat And Oily Palate
Sweet To Slight Sour Balance
Well Balanced
Dangerously Drinkable
Not Very Sessionable
Decently Refreshing
Chunky Brew
Not Complex, Just A No Bullshit Belgian Brew
The taste starts out with quick sweetness, that is rich like cheese cake or custard and then some tartness kicks in. The middle has a nice subtle hop hit to balance out the sweetness and then some spices are thrown in with some alcohol burn. The finishes smooth with some more sweetness and then some tartness of a apple and pear, with a little vine flavors that touches the palate. The high ABV is well hidden which gives it a high drinkability but could be dangerous.
I would have given this a higher score but the sweetness is overpowering making it hard to drink a lot of this brew.
3 Out Of 6
Don't Want A Sixer
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