Style: American Strong Ale
ABV: 8%
Ales Of The Revolution Series
12oz Bottle From The Yards Brewery To A AOR Snifter
Yards has recreated Thomas Jefferson Tavern ale - a strong golden ale - from ingredients originally specified by Jefferson himself for semi-annual brewing at his estate, Monticello.
Yards Brewing Company
Philadelphia, Pennslyvania
Tom Kehoe and Jon Bovit
"the Yards Guys"
Science Experiment Quality
Bronze? Amber Color With A Cooper Hue, When Held Up To The Light
Pale Tan Crown Of Froth
Persistent Head Retention
Minimal Lacing
Smooth Lively Carbonation
Rose Petals
Subtle Oats
Pilsner Sweet Hops
Patchouli Herb
Apple Juice
Bread Malts/Cyrstal Malts
Buttered Popcorn
Raspberry Brandy
Mouth Feel:
Rustic Authentic Feel
Sweet Balance
A Sessionable Sweet Sipper With A Kick
Light To Medium Bodied
A Little Watery
Fiery ABV That Warms You Up
Fall To Winter Beer
Tolerable Drinkability
Many Lager Like Qualities
Salty Soft Finish
Very Malty On The Palate
Aftertaste Is Bitter Quinine, Slightly Oily, Then Astringent
The taste is of a burly damp bitter herbal flavor, livened with citrus oils and girded with crystal/pale malts; needy and sharp seemingly, but soft underneath with a astringent wood bitterness. It has a lot of soft tea flavor and more malts with little else, but has a fresh peppery kick toward the back that livens things up nicely. The beer finishes with some acerbie citrus character, coupled with a bite of raspberry, but more in the vein of flavored tea than authentic fruit flavors. Considering that it's really all malt taste I'm surprised it is tolerable. No wonder the founding fathers were sitting in a dank bar plotting to overthrow the British, it's because they were drunk off their asses on home brews like this. Thomas Jefferson was one hell of a patriot, but not a hell of a brewer.
2 Out Of 6
Don't Want A Sixer
Better AOR Out There
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